Thursday 17 December 2009


I can’t believe it!!!

I’ve been a musician (oh arguable I know, but really Sid Vicious couldn’t play a note and he’s remembered so very fondly), all of 2 months and I’m all ready on a blacklist, a class A, a written warning, a final reminder, time out, on the naughty step, in solitude, Emergency Call. Facebook requested PRN on my terribly innocent song.

Ok so the fine people of Derby may be slightly offended by the idea that the protagonist of the song should say “f*** you Derby” (self censor! don’t want to get my ass kicked here too), but really I love Derby and I thought they loved me. (Re-naming the area I have bought a cosy little house in there ‘California’ was a lovely touch I think.,_Derby )

And I think dear Shaun Dykes might just have felt that way too. The song is meant to express something of his feelings, point of view perhaps.

Or perhaps its just the double figures swear word count.

Still I can’t complain as I rather like being banned. I will be on the radical edge of civilisation yet! Just you wait, no more Mr Nice Elvita.

Kisses to you all,

And here’s the banned song in all its disgraceful glory.

(music and performance by the maestro Andy Billington

Monday 7 December 2009


Blog. Blllllllooooooog. Blog g g g g g g g g. Blowwwwwwg. Blorrrrrrg. Bloggy. All blogged out. Blogiglyblog. Blogblogblog. B! L! O! G! Blog.

It’s a really really lovely word. And if you haven’t spoken it outloud a lot. Over and over, in many styles and accents. Then you’re really missing out.

But eventually you’ve got to actually get down. Stop saying it. And doing it. So here it is. My transatlantic, Concord hopping (if only I still could) blog. For you. The fans. The beautiful people.

Stay just the way you are, I love you all.
