Wednesday 27 January 2010

DJ Steve Penk to the rescue

How are your New Years Resolutions going?

Gym 5 times a week. I’ve decided 5 times a year as usual is ok for me.

Say “Hi” to neighbours. After 15 years it just felt a little too forced. I avoided their eyes as usual. Just me in this part of town.

Eat less biscuits. Ho Ho!

Answer e-mails promptly. Well if scanning them for anything fruity in the subject line counts then I’m fully up to date on that one.

Write a joke that isn’t to do with suicide. Oh now this one is proving the toughest and until today I thought it would be my downfall (sorry). Two girls jumping from a bridge in Scotland, or the young woman jumping to her death to escape being tortured because she’d talked to another woman’s boyfriend, didn’t bode well for anything amusing. Ok so Morrissey and his suicide controversy on Desert Island Disks might just work out for me, but really I felt a new punch line, for the first time in 30 years might just need to be on a different subject.

However, then DJ Steve Penk came to the rescue. Playing Van Halen’s ‘Jump’ as a woman jumped off a motorway bridge.

He says he’s not ashamed. Would do it again. But really Van Halen? What was he thinking? Plenty of material there I’m sure.
(I like the headline “DJ’s Van Halen outrage.” Indeed.)